What exactly is doxxing?

Twitter and its new anti-doxxing policy

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Twitter has suspended the accounts of several journalists in the US, and according to its owner, Elon Musk, it is as per its new anti-doxxing policy.

Doxxing (dropping dox or documents) is a malicious practice that involves getting someone’s private or identifying information and putting it online without their permission. This is usually done to harass, threaten, shame, or exact revenge. This information could include their real name, personal documents, phone number, home address, workplace, and other financial information.

It is a popular and controversial tactic used against people who hold opposing political ideas. Even celebrities and influencers have been doxxed, with serious implications.

Some believe it only applies to the sharing of private information; however, others believe it may also apply to publicly available information, such as property records.

What is Twitter’s new policy?

Twitter’s rules now say that sharing a person’s live location could be a “serious safety and security risk,” so it’s not allowed (it was neglected in the older version). According to the rules, if you break any of these, your account could be locked, and if you keep doing it, your account could be shut down for good. But if you share someone’s live location without their permission, they will be automatically suspended, which is what happened to the journalists.

Source: IE