Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022 – By United Nations
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2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- It was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.
- It lays out the 17 SDGs, which aim to organize global efforts to end poverty, foster peace, safeguard the rights and dignity of all people, and protect the planet.
SDGs Report 2022 is the only UN official report that monitors global progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. According to the Report, crisis such as COVID-19, climate change, and conflicts—have put the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in grave danger along with humanity’s survival.
Key Findings:
- Economic shocks due to COVID-19 have pushed 93 million into poverty in 2020, undoing “more than four years” work of alleviating poverty.
- Also, it has affected global healthcare services and education. E.g., 22.7 million children missed basic vaccines in 2020.
- Conflict, COVID-19, climate change, and rising inequalities all together threaten global food security. About 1 in 10 people worldwide are suffering from hunger.
- Women have experienced a higher proportion of job losses, as well as increased domestic care work. According to evidence, the pandemic has aggravated violence against women.
- Rising global Greenhouse gas emissions result in record-breaking temperatures and more extreme weather.
- The world’s forest area continues to shrink, mainly due to agricultural expansion.
- War in Ukraine created one of the largest refugee crises of modern time (more than 6 million people till May 2022).
- End armed conflicts and embark on a path of diplomacy and peace.
- Adopt low-carbon, resilient and inclusive development pathways.
What makes a sustainable future?
The development that meets the need of the present and at the same time protects the earth for future generations.
- Donate what you do not use
- If possible, grow your own produce
- Waste less food and support local farmers
- Go paperless
- Use renewable energy
- Help educate the children
- Empower women and girls and ensure their equal rights
- Avoid wasting water
- Use energy-efficient appliances
- Create job opportunities for youth
- Fund projects that provide basic infrastructure
- Support the disadvantaged people
- Bike, walk or use public transportation
- Recycle
- Act now to stop the global warming
- Avoid plastic
- Plant a tree
- Stand up for human rights
Source: timesofindia