Inequality not only creates an unhealthy and unhappy society, but it is also violent. “Inequality kills,” says Oxfam.
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An Oxfam report titled “Inequality Kills” was recently released. Oxfam urged the government to take action to close the widening gap between the rich and the poor.
Key Findings
- The world’s ten richest men have doubled their fortunes during the pandemic.
- For 99% of the global population, incomes have fallen during the pandemic.
- Every day, inequality contributes to the deaths of at least 21,300 people, equivalent to the death of at least one person every four seconds.
- The pandemic has pushed gender equality from 99 years to 135 years today, meaning it will take another generation for women to achieve gender equality.
- The wealthiest 1% emits more than twice as much CO2 as the poorest 50% on the planet.
- Women, minorities and developing countries are hardest hit by growing inequality.
- Economic violence starts when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful. It affects the poorest people, women and girls, and racialized groups most.
- Good quality healthcare is a human right but is often seen as a luxury for the wealthy.
- Gender-based violence is rooted in patriarchy and sexist economic systems—for example, sex-selective abortion.
- Hunger is one of the ways that poverty kills, and it is experienced by billions of ordinary people around the world every day.
Way Forward
- All governments should immediately tax the gains made by the super-rich during this pandemic period.
- Redirect that wealth to save lives and invest in our future to adapt to climate change.
- The legacy of the pandemic must be quality, publicly funded, and universal healthcare.
- Address sexist and racist laws that discriminate against women and those experiencing racism, and create new gender equality laws to eliminate violence and discrimination.
- Define policies that will ensure that all decision-making spaces represent women, racialized and other oppressed groups.
- Abandon intellectual property rules for COVID19 vaccine technology to allow more countries to produce safe and effective vaccines to usher in the final phase of the pandemic.
Source : Weforum