1. Kamala Harris
USA Vice – President – The first Black, first South Asian, and the first woman to be elected to the office.

2. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Director-General, World Trade Organisation – The first African and first woman to lead the WTO. In 2003, she became Nigeria’s first female finance minister.

3. Chloe Zhao
Film director – the first Asian woman to win Best Director at the Golden Globes. This was the first year when more than one woman was nominated for the award. Her film, Nomadland, also won Best Drama.

4. Whitney Wolfe Herd
Founder of the dating app Bumble – Launched in 2014 – The youngest woman (age 31) to take a company public. She became the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire when Bumble raised $2.2 billion from its IPO in February.

5. Seiko Hashimoto
President of the Tokyo Olympics Organising Committee – She won a bronze for speed skating in 1992. She competed in 7 Olympic Games overall.

Courtest: WEF