What is Oort cloud? Using the wide-field survey camera at the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) …
Key Findings of the Report According to the United Nations (UN) World Social Report 2023 …
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released the Report What is a global risk? It …
The only advantage of a recession is that it helps keep inflation under control. According …
One may say that Japan is the “grayest” country in the world The Japanese government …
Why do we need green hydrogen? Globally, green hydrogen development is still in its early …
Is it an easy way to lose weight? Elon Musk tweeted about losing 13.6 kg …
What are these missions about? There is a lot of interest in the space industry. …
What is a Recession? What are US Treasuries? What is the Yield of a Treasury? …
Recently, an artificial intelligence tool called ChatGPT was released on the internet The tool ChatGPT …